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Every single one of our responsibly-made products here at Passenger comes with a one-year warranty. That means if there's anything funky going on with the materials or how it was made, we've got your back for a whole year. 

If your product happens to run into any issues because of a manufacturing issue, we've got you covered. We'll happily swap it out for a new one (assuming we still have the exact same item in stock) or give you credit for it, whichever works best for you. Right now, we're not set up to handle repairs directly, but if repair services are available, we'll gladly foot the bill for it. It’s our way of making sure you’re taken care of.

And just to keep things totally clear, this warranty covers specific legal rights, it does not affect any other statutory rights you may have as a consumer, which may vary from country to country.

One last heads up – there are a few things our warranty doesn't cover:


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